Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Del Sito Distanza, Divisione, e Differenti Abitatori della Terra. Venice: ca. 1691. [South Pole]
Regular price $ 100.00 USDRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Bosforo Tracio hoggidi Canale di Constantinopoli. Venice, 1691.
Regular price $ 275.00 USDRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Münster, Sebastian. Nova Graecia. Basle, 1540. [Greece]
Regular price $ 100.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Bowles II, Thomas. [London] A View of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea and the Rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens. London: Bowles, c. 1750.
Regular price $ 650.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Faden, William (1749-1836). A Topographical Map of the North Part of New York Island. London, 1793.
Regular price $ 1,200.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Hutchings, John. The Origins of Steam Navigation. 1846
Regular price $ 400.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Purchas, Samuel. Greenland & Edges Island. London, 1625.
Regular price $ 2,800.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Münster, Sebastian. Belchreibung ses Griechenlandts. Basel, 16th Century. [Greece]
Regular price $ 900.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Münster, Sebastian. New Griechenlandt. Basel, 1588. [Greece]
Regular price $ 900.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Smith, W. A New Geological Map of England and Wales.... London, 1820.
Regular price $ 3,500.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Speed, John. Wales. London, 1676.
Regular price $ 900.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Homann, Johann Baptiste. Novisima & exactissima Totius Regni Neopolis Tabula... Nuremberg, ca. 1720[Italy]
Regular price $ 3,800.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanne Antonio. L'Italia... in quarto fogli imperiali con l'aggiunte dei luoghi e strade postali. Venice, 1806 [Italy]
Regular price $ 4,500.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert. Le Gouvernement General de Provence. Amsterdam, 1692.
Regular price $ 450.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sanson, Nicolas. Carte Geographique Des Postes Qui Traversent La France Dedièe. Paris, 1632.
Regular price $ 450.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Van Meurs, Jacob. Nova Mexico. Amsterdam, 1673.
Regular price $ 750.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
van Wytfliet, Cornelis. Hispania Nova. Louvain, 1597. [Mexico]
Regular price $ 1,200.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Seutter, Matthaus. Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei statione variante et visu intercedente... Augsburg, ca. 1741.
Regular price $ 1,500.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
De L'Isle, Guillaume. Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes. Paris, 1714. [South Pole, Australia, New Zealand]
Regular price $ 450.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Ortelius, Abraham. Archipelagi Insularum Aliquot Descrip. Antwerp, 1617. [Crete, Metellino, Cerigo, Scarpanto, Nicsia, Santorini, Milo, Stalimene, Negroponte, Rodus and Scio].
Regular price $ 650.00 USDRegular priceUnit price per