Timeless Gifts: Rare Maps for the Holidays
Innovative map illustrating Earth's physical features and underwater topography, reflecting Enlightenment-era scientific exploration.
Bauche, Philippe. Planisphere Physique. Paris, c. 1781.
$ 900.00
One of the most significant representations of New Netherland, encompassing parts of present-day New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, this map offers a glimpse into the colonial struggles of the 17th century and the early mapping of North America’s Atlantic coast.
Danckers, Justus. Novi Belgii. Amsterdam, c. 1684. [New England]
$ 4,800.00
An early Renaissance world map with a distinctive oval projection, showcasing Europe’s expanding geographic knowledge during the Age of Exploration.
Benedetto di BORDONE (1460-1531) [World Map]. 1547.
$ 4,500.00
A finely detailed double-hemisphere map reflecting Europe’s Enlightenment-era exploration, trade, and evolving understanding of the world.
Aa, Peter van der. Planisphere Terrestre. Leiden, 1713.
$ 6,500.00
An essential Dutch sea chart of the Caribbean, reflecting its vital role in 17th-century trade and European colonial rivalry.
Donicker, Hendrick. Pas caert vande Caribische Eylanden. Amsterdam, 1672. [West Indies]
$ 3,500.00
Created during the Napoleonic era, this map reflects Austria’s interest in mapping regions central to the global economy and European power struggles. The clear engraving and attention to detail make it a valuable representation of early 19th-century cartographic craftsmanship and political geography
Kuhn, L. Charte von Westindien und einem Theile von Sudamerica. Vienna, 1809. [West Indies]
$ 600.00
As a product of Amsterdam's flourishing cartographic tradition, this map stands as a testament to the period’s blend of artistic craftsmanship and geographic knowledge, offering a visual record of the Americas at a transformative moment in their colonial history.
Allard, Carol. Recentissima Novi Orbis Sive Americae Septentrionale et Meridionalis. Amsterdam, ca. 1700. [Americas]
$ 2,400.00
A remarkable depiction of the North Polar Regions, richly annotated with early discoverers, including Barentsz (1594-1596), Henry Hudson and other 17th century explorations. Perhaps most interesting are the annotations relating to Herico Russo (Erik the Red), who discovered Greenland in 982.
Purchas, Samuel. Greenland & Edges Island. London, 1625.
$ 2,800.00
One of the earliest detailed representations of Eastern Europe, reflecting the Renaissance era's evolving geographical knowledge and artistic cartographic style
Münster, Sebastian. Belchreibung ses Griechenlandts. Basel, 16th Century. [Greece]
$ 900.00
One of the earliest detailed representations of Eastern Europe, reflecting the Renaissance era's evolving geographical knowledge and artistic cartographic style
Münster, Sebastian. New Griechenlandt. Basel, 1588. [Greece]
$ 900.00
Detailed map of Namur and its château, illustrating the city’s strategic importance during the military conflicts of late 17th-century Europe.
De Wit, Frederik. La Ville de Namur avec son Chateau... Amsterdam, 1695. [Belgium]
$ 400.00
One of the earliest geological maps of England and Wales, showcasing coal districts and mineral sites during Britain’s Industrial Revolution.
Smith, W. A New Geological Map of England and Wales.... London, 1820.
$ 3,500.00
One of the earliest printed maps of Wales, combining geographic detail with decorative artistry during England’s early 17th century.
Speed, John. Wales. London, 1676.
$ 900.00
Detailed map of the Kingdom of Naples, showcasing its strategic geography during a transformative period in 18th-century Europe.
Homann, Johann Baptiste. Novisima & exactissima Totius Regni Neopolis Tabula... Nuremberg, ca. 1720[Italy]
$ 3,800.00
An exceptional early 19th-century map of Italy, highlighting its roads, postal routes, and political divisions during a period of transformation.
Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanne Antonio. L'Italia... in quarto fogli imperiali con l'aggiunte dei luoghi e strade postali. Venice, 1806 [Italy]
$ 4,500.00
An early 17th-century map of France highlighting its postal routes, reflecting the rise of organized communication networks under the French monarchy.
Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert. Le Gouvernement General de Provence. Amsterdam, 1692.
$ 450.00
An early thematic map showcasing France’s postal routes, reflecting the rise of centralized communication under the Bourbon monarchy.
Sanson, Nicolas. Carte Geographique Des Postes Qui Traversent La France Dedièe. Paris, 1632.
$ 450.00
A detailed 18th-century map of Peru, emphasizing its geography, rich resources, and role as a centerpiece of Spanish colonial power.
Homann, Heirs. Tabula Americe Specialis Geographica Pegni Peru. Nuremburg, 1728. [South America]
$ 450.00
A finely detailed map of South America, capturing its geography and political divisions on the eve of independence movements.
Lapie, Pierre. Carte de l'Amerique Meridionale. Paris, 1814. [South America]
$ 700.00
The map meticulously divides South America into its major regions, including Terre Ferme (the Spanish Main), Perou (Peru), Chili (Chile), and Bresil (Brazil), showcasing European knowledge of the continent at the time.
Sanson & Jaillot. L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties Scavior La Terre Ferme, Le Perou, Le Chili, Le Bresil... Paris, 1691.
$ 700.00
Decorative Dutch map showcasing Africa’s regions, trade hubs, and Europe’s early exploration of the continent.
Blaeu, Willem Janzoon. Africa nova descriptio. Amsterdam, 1630
$ 2,200.00
Ortelius’s detailed map of the Ottoman Empire reflects Europe’s fascination with its vast power and influence
Ortelius, Abraham. Turcici Imperii Descriptio. Antwerp, 1570. [Middle East]
$ 4,500.00
A detailed 17th-century map of South Asia and Southeast Asia, reflecting Europe's colonial ambitions and critical maritime trade routes.
Hondius II, Hendricus. India quae Orientalis dicitur et Insulae Adiacentes. Amsterdam, c. 1636
$ 2,800.00
A richly detailed map of Asia, showcasing its political divisions, trade routes, and Europe’s growing engagement with the continent.
Seutter, Matthäus. Asia cum omnibus Imperiis Provinciis Statibus et insulis... Augsburg, 1697
$ 900.00
An 18th-century map of the Americas featuring California as an island, reflecting geographic misconceptions and English challenges to Spanish claims.
Senex, John. A New Map of America from the latest observations. London, 1719.
$ 800.00
A detailed 17th-century map of Prague, showcasing its Baroque architecture, fortifications, and significance within the Holy Roman Empire.
Merian, Matthaeus. Praga, Prag. Nuremberg, 1650. [Czech Republic]
$ 700.00
A detailed 17th-century map of the Gulf of Venice, highlighting its role as a center of Mediterranean trade and Venetian maritime power.
Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert. Le Golfe de Venise avec ses Principaux. Paris: 1692 [Italy]
$ 400.00
An early Renaissance map of India, blending classical Ptolemaic geography with new discoveries from the Age of Exploration.
Claudius Ptolemy. Tabula Moderna Indiae. Switzerland, 1513.
$ 12,000.00
An accurate early 18th-century map of India, Southeast Asia, and China, reflecting Europe’s expanding trade networks and geographic knowledge.
Delisle, Guillaume. Carte des Indes et de la Chine. 1705.
$ 3,500.00