Columbus Verlag, School Tellurium, Berlin, ca. 1930s
Columbus Verlag, School Tellurium, Berlin, ca. 1930s
Columbus Verlag
School Tellurium
Painted cast metal base, supporting an electric light (sun) and aluminum shade, with 7 inch papered astronomical calendar below, metal arm extending out to a papered 5-inch diameter earth ball stamped “Columbus Erdglobus”. Lacking moon ball and wire. The earth ball connected by gearing to a handle on the metal base to replicate the movement of the earth around the sun.
Berlin, ca. 1930s
Height 16 in.; Length 25 in.
A classic German school tellurium wired for electricity. German school models were made from ca. 1850 onwards, and American manufacturers started copying them from 1900 onwards probably because of the large influx of German immigrants from the mid-19th Century.