December 2021: Auction Results

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Dear Friends and Collectors,

This Saturday marked another successful auction at Arader Galleries. The 163 Lot sale totaled $1,875,420 including the buyer's premium. The auction featured a selection of outstanding material including wonderful examples of John James Audubon's Birds of America, as well as unique original natural history watercolors, an excellent selection of Globes, as well as rare maps and Americana. 

Highlights from the auction were some of Audubon's most iconic compositions including the Great Horned Owl selling for $43,200 (Lot 6), the Blue Jay for $26,400 and the extinct Ivory-Billed Woodpecker selling for $84,000 (Lot 12).

A number of Natural History engravings and original watercolors sold at the action including a partial set of Daniell's African aquatints selling for $10,800 (Lot 50), an original watercolor by Bessa selling for $78,000 (Lot 58), and an early Quina watercolor of a Pelican for $36,000 (Lot 63).

The rare book section had some highlights including John Gould's only work devoted to American Birds, his Partridge's of America selling for $15,600 (Lot 86), a De Laet "Mother Atlas" of the New World selling for $14,400 (Lot 95) and a magnificently colored De Wit composite atlas selling for $144,000 (Lot 95).

Highlights of the rare map and globe section included a Blaeu Terrestrial Globe selling for $62,400 (Lot 99), a beautifully colored manuscript map of the Holy Land achieving $8,400 (Lot 112), an early state of Forlani / Lily's Map of Britain selling for $18,000 (Lot 129), and the Darby map of the State of Louisiana selling for $14,400 (Lot 140). 

Our next auction is scheduled for January 29th, 2021 and will feature an amazing selection of material including supreme examples of rare maps, rare books, original natural history watercolors, and of course the iconic works of John James Audubon. 

We will have a booth at the Winter Antiques Show from the 20th of January to the 30th, which will be in person at the Park Avenue Armory. We would love to see you there!

Below is a full list of results of the December 11, 2021 Auction. 

Graham Arader

Lot Title Hammer Premium
1 Audubon Aquatint, Purple Grackle 12000 14400
2 Audubon Aquatint, Purple Martin 8500 10200
3 Audubon Aquatint, Great-Footed Hawk 8500 10200
4 Audubon Aquatint, Red Headed Woodpecker 9000 10800
5 Audubon Aquatint, Ruby-Throated Humming Bird PASS PASS
6 Audubon Aquatint, Great Horned Owl 36000 43200
7 Audubon Aquatint, Mottled Owl (Little Screech Owl) 9000 10800
8 Audubon Aquatint, Blue Jay 22000 26400
9 Audubon Aquatint, Canada Jay PASS PASS
10 Audubon Aquatint, White-headed Eagle 16000 19200
11 Audubon Aquatint, Barred Owl PASS PASS
12 Audubon Aquatint, Ivory-billed Woodpecker 70,000 84000
13 Audubon Aquatint, Key West Dove or Pigeon PASS PASS
14 Audubon Aquatint, Yellow-Winged Sparrow 1900 2280
15 Audubon Aquatint, Little Owl PASS PASS
16 Audubon Aquatint, Red-Tailed Hawk PASS PASS
17 Audubon Aquatint, Whip-Poor-Will 8000 9600
18 Audubon Aquatint, Broad-winged Hawk 10000 12000
19 Audubon Aquatint, White-crowned Pigeon 7500 9000
20 Audubon Aquatint, Pinnated Grous 12000 14400
21 Audubon Aquatint, Canada Goose PASS PASS
22 Audubon Aquatint, Velvet Duck PASS PASS
23 Audubon Aquatint, Reddish Egret / Purple Heron PASS PASS
24 Audubon Aquatint, White-Fronted Goose PASS PASS
25 Audubon Aquatint, Bemaculated Duck 7500 9000
26 Audubon Aquatint, Ruff necked Hummingbird PASS PASS
27 Audubon Aquatint, Louisiana Hawk 6500 7800
28 Audubon Aquatint, Maria's Woodpecker... PASS PASS
29 Audubon Aquatint, California Vulture 12000 14400
30 Audubon Aquatint, Towhee Bunting 1700 2040
31 Audubon Aquatint, Gadwall Duck 6000 7200
32 Audubon Aquatint, Double-crested Cormorant 2500 3000
33 Audubon Aquatint, White Pelican 38000 45600
34 Audubon Lithograph, Raccoon 4000 4800
35 Doret Watercolor of Flowers PASS PASS
36 Lefer Watercolor of Fritillaire Imperiale PASS PASS
37 Lefer Watercolor of Lys PASS PASS
38 Lefer Watercolor of a Tulipe PASS PASS
39 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Tigrina - The Margay PASS PASS
40 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Javanensis - the Little Red-Spotted Cat PASS PASS
41 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Jaquarondi - The Yaguarundi PASS PASS
42 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Caffra - The Caffer Cat PASS PASS
43 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Rubiginosa - Rubinginous Cat 1200 1440
44 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Caracal - The Caracal 1200 1440
45 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Viverrina - The Fishing Cat 1200 1440
46 Elliot Lithograph, Felis Catus - The European Wild Cat 1200 1440
47 Strutt Engraving of Pair of Forest Trees 500 600
48 Barraband Engravings of a Pair of Parrots PASS PASS
49 Barraband Engravings of a Pair of Parrots PASS PASS
50 Daniell Aquatints of the Finest Depictions of African Animals 9000 10800
51 Howit Original Watercolor of a Polar Bear PASS PASS
52 Schouman Original Watercolor of a Beaver PASS PASS
53 Vauthier Original Watercolor of a Seal PASS PASS
54 Lear Original Watercolor of a Pair of Shrews 15000 18000
55 Travies Original Watercolor of An Arab Stallion and a Carthorse 3000 3600
56 Grossenheider Original Watercolor of Two Squirrels PASS PASS
57 Waugh Oil Painting, 70 Degrees North; The Polar Bear 300000 360000
58 Bessa Original Watercolor of a Bouquet of Flowers 65000 78000
59 Henstenburgh Original Watercolor of a Bouquet 30000 36000
60 German School Original Watercolor of an Iris 1500 1800
61 Chierriat Original Watercolor of a Bouquet of Flowers PASS PASS
62 Jenny Phillips Original Watercolor of an Orchid PASS PASS
63 Quina Original Watercolor of a Pelican 30000 36000
64 Wolf Original Drawing of Ptarmigans PASS PASS
65 Howitt Original Watercolor of a Gyr Falcon PASS PASS
66 Selby Original Watercolor of a Raven 9000 10800
67 Selby Original Watercolor of a Sea Eagle 5000 6000
68 Broglio Study of a Bird PASS PASS
69 Frohawk Original Drawings of Owls 3000 3600
70 Menaboni Original Watercolor of Mallard Ducks 7500 9000
71 Richmond Original Drawing of the Thames at Westminster 800 960
72 Funno Original Watercolor of a Levant Packet Ship 3000 3600
73 Smartley Oil Of a British Steamboat 3000 3600
74 Wyllie Panoramic Watercolor of the Thames 3000 3600
75 Morland Oil Landscape 1200 1440
76 Marlow Original Drawing of Paris 1000 1200
77 Marlow Original Drawing of the Pont Du Gard 1000 1200
78 Marlow Original Drawing of a Dutch Town 1000 1200
79 Richardson Original Drawing of Newcastle 1200 1440
80 Hammond Original Watercolor of Haystacks 500 600
81 Hind Original Watercolor of Malvern Hills 1200 1440
82 Ward Original Drawing of Loch Lomond, Scotland 2500 3000
83 Lozowick Lithograph of Stalinbad Airport, Tajikistan PASS PASS
84 Zucchi Original Drawing of a Roman Interior PASS PASS
85 Campagna Portraits of the Orsino Family 3000 3600
86 John Gould’s Only Work Devoted to American Birds 13000 15600
87 Bivort's Album de Pomologie, Exceptionally Rare in Any Condition PASS PASS
88 Piso's First Edition of Historia Naturalis Brasiliae from the Library of Georges Cuvier 10000 12000
89 Castro's Album Mexicano in Original Boards PASS PASS
90 Hall's Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Correa, and the Great Loo-Choo Island PASS PASS
91 Magnus' Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, The History of Northern People and Customs PASS PASS
92 Dahlberg's Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna PASS PASS
93 Pufendorf's First German Edition of Sieben Bucher von denen Thaten Carl Gustavus Konigs in Schweden PASS PASS
94 Merian's Topographia Italiae PASS PASS
95 De Laet's Mother Atlas of the New World 12000 14400
96 De Wit's Composite Atlas With Magnificent Full Original Color 120000 144000
97 Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War 150000 180000
98 Rossi / Hondius Terrestrial Globe, 1615 PASS PASS
99 Blaeu Terrestrial Table Globe, 1602 52000 62400
100 Bonne Terrestrial Globe, 1774 32000 38400
101 Delamarche Terrestrial Globe, 1791 PASS PASS
102 Cary's New Celestial Globe, 1816 PASS PASS
103 Newton Pair of Terrestrial & Celestial Globes, 1820 26000 31200
104 Wilson & Son's 13" Terrestrial Globe, 1831 8000 9600
105 Wyld & Malby Pair of Terrestrial & Celestial Globes, 1833 36000 43200
106 Smith & Son Pair of Terrestrial & Celestial Globes, 1825 30000 36000
107 Trippensee Planetarium Company Tellurium, 1830's PASS PASS
108 Leutze Map of the World Oil Painting 42000 50400
109 Fries & Waldseemuller World Map, 1541 PASS PASS
110 Scherer Globe Gore World Map, 1703 PASS PASS
111 Schenk Celestial Map of Northern and Southern Sky PASS PASS
112 Manuscript Map of the Holy Land, early 18th Century 7000 8400
113 Duchetti View of Jerusalem, 1570 2500 3000
114 De Wit Holy Land Map, 1670 750 900
115 Dudley Sea Chart of the Indian Ocean 6000 7200
116 Ptolemy, First Map of Modern India, 1513 7500 9000
117 Manuscript Bird's Eye View of Rhodes, Greece, Late 17th Century 7500 9000
118 Fries & Waldseemuller Tabula IX Europe PASS PASS
119 Fries & Waldseemuller Map of Modern Greece PASS PASS
120 Ptolemy & Fries Map of Europe Tabula X PASS PASS
121 Waldseemuller Map of Crete Withdrawn Withdrawn
122 Waldseemuller Map of Italy 6000 7200
123 Bellin's Manuscript Map of the Drau River 18000 21600
124 Caula, The Finest 18th Century Drawing of Lison 20000 24000
125 Waghenaer Sea Chart of Brittany, France 1800 2160
126 Waldseemuller Map of Germania PASS PASS
127 Manuscript Map of Kotlin Island near St. Petersburg, Russia PASS PASS
128 Speed Map of Monmouth County, Birthplace of Henry V PASS PASS
129 Forlani / Lily Map of Britain, 1562 15000 18000
130 Scolari / Blaeu Map of Germania, 1650 12000 14400
131 Linschoten Map of South America with beautiful original color 8500 10200
132 Le Moyne / De Bry Map of North America 9500 11400
133 De L'Isle Map of Canada, First Issue 15000 18000
134 Mortier / Jaillot Map of the Chesapeake Bay 6000 7200
135 Bernard / Miller Manuscript Map of the Great Eastern Road, New England 50000 60000
136 Ruggles Map of New England, 1824 7000 8400
137 Mather Map of Long Island, 1842 3000 3600
138 Caamano Manuscript Map of Alaska PASS PASS
139 Coronelli Map of Louisiana, 1696 2500 3000
140 Darby Map of the State of Louisiana, 1816 12000 14400
141 Nicollet / Fremont Map of the Upper Mississippi River, 1842 PASS PASS
142 Lloyd's New Map of the United States, 1864 PASS PASS
143 Colton's Map of Mexico, 1862 PASS PASS
144 US Coast Survey, No. 105. Galveston Bay to Oyster Bay Texas PASS PASS
145 US Coast Survey from San Diego Bay to Conception Point PASS PASS
146 US Coast Survey of the Bay of Fundy PASS PASS
147 US Coast Survey from Redding Rock to Cape Blanco PASS PASS
148 US Coast Survey from the Yaquina River to Cape Disappointment PASS PASS
149 US Coast Survey from Cape Mendocino to Vancouver Island PASS PASS
150 Rothstein Gelatin Silver Print of a Skull in the Badlands of South Dakota PASS PASS
151 Haynes Albumen Photograph of Minerva Terrace, Yellowstone, Wyoming PASS PASS
152 Jackson Albumen Photograph of Eroded Sandstone Monument Park, Colorado PASS PASS
153 Jackson Albumen Photograph of the West End of the Toletc Tunnel PASS PASS
154 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Apache - Mohave Home PASS PASS
155 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Qahatika Home PASS PASS
156 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Marioopa House PASS PASS
157 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Chemehuevi House PASS PASS
158 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Southern Diegueno House PASS PASS
159 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Modern Cupeno House PASS PASS
160 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, Diegueno house at Santa Ysabel PASS PASS
161 Curtis Sepia Photogravure, A Diegueno Woman of Campo PASS PASS